Welcome to Burg Vischering
Museum. Art. Culture.
Under this motto a wide spectrum of activities and culture for young and old awaits the visitors.
Hands-on activities and experimenting are outstanding features when visiting the castle, whether with modern media techniques or with the expert guidance of committed staff. Alternating cultural and historical exhibitions as well as high-class art exhibitions make art lovers’ hearts beat faster.
Jazz lovers have long since known that in the series “BurgJazz” many famous musicians have found their way to Vischering Castle . There are numerous festivals and events for families such as the annual knight’s camp, the magician’s gala, children’s theatre and much more. Appealing hands-on programmes of cultural education for school classes, play-school groups and families round off the range of the castle’s activities.

Tuesday to Sunday: 10:00 to 18:00 hrs
On Mondays the main castle as well as the outer bailey are closed. Exception: If a public holiday happens to be on a Monday, general opening hours apply.